Life drawing/Dessin après un modèle vivant.
original artwork
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oeuvres originales
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"Reaching down" Available for sale. 40€

"Homme lié." 2023. Soon available for sale 160€.

"Sway." 2023. Soon available for sale 160€.

"Regard drapé." 2023. Soon available for sale 160€.

"Être allongé." 2023. Soon available for sale 160€.
"Leaning back" Available for sale. 40€
"Resting on table" Available for sale. 40€.
"Lying down crossed legs." Available for sale. 40€.
"Hands on knees." Available for sale. 40€.
"Hands behind back." 2022. Available for sale. 40€.
"Getting close to the fan" Available for sale. 40€.
"Legs resting" Available for sale. 40€.
"Lying down" Available for sale. 40€.
"Thinking." Available for sale. 40€
"Woman seated on blue pouffe." Available for sale. 40€